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Member Benefits and Discounts

As a member of SEIU Local 221, you are eligible for a range of local benefits and discounts.

Discounts include movie tickets, amusement park tickets, gift certificates, zoos and aquariums

All tickets can be purchased through the SEIU Local 221 office during regular business hours. Now accepting credit/debit cards for tickets!

Members can also purchase tickets online at

  1. Union access code is 221MEM
  2. Mouse over "account" on top right page of page, follow the "login" link
  3. Enter SEIU Local l221
  4. Enter your personal e-mail address, set up password and submit.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after. Once you receive confirmation, you can log in using your e-mail address and password you created.

Please note that prices and availability are subject to change without notice at vendor’s discretion.


SEIU now offers an exclusive benefits program for members – everything from insurance, credit cards, and discounts on travel and everyday items. Register today at!

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