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'Fantastic to be able to share my piece of the puzzle as a county worker'

June 7, 2024

Q&A with two union members and Human Services Specialists who shared their expertise statewide to make eligibility tools more effective

Our union sent two union members to join a workshop in May in Sacramento to make eligibility tools better

From Union Member and Human Services Specialist Cassandra Jefferson (right)

What was the workshop for? What was it like?    The workshop aimed at making the CalHEERs website more user-friendly, we worked in groups to generate new ideas for improving functionality and user experience. My group focused on developing solutions that would benefit both county workers and developers. I presented our ideas, which provided valuable insights into the daily use of the CalHEERs website by county employees. Our proposals aimed to enhance their understanding and streamline their interactions with the site, ultimately improving their overall experience.

How does this program fit in with your job?    CalHEERs is a website that allows customers to apply for medical insurance. The website is beneficial for county workers because it serves as a portal connecting CalHEERs  and CalSAWS. I use CalHEERs every day to help determine customers' eligibility.

Did this event change your perspective on CalHEERs or your job? How so?    Before this event, I was not using CalHEERs  every day, but now I do. The workshop significantly improved my understanding and usage of the website, enhancing my ability to determine customers' eligibility more efficiently.

How did this event make you feel about your union, SEIU Local 221?    I really appreciate that SEIU gave me the opportunity to be part of something so impactful that directly affects my job. It makes the work easier for county employees. I would love to continue having experiences like this to help me further my career and deepen my understanding.

How was your overall experience?     My overall experience was amazing. I was thrilled to meet the people who work behind the scenes and hear their perspectives on the website and how county workers use it. Their insights were invaluable, and it was great to see their dedication to improving the site's functionality and user experience.

From Union Member and Human Services Specialist Laura Castro Hernandez

What was the workshop for? What was it like?    The workshop was to help identify problems or issues in regard to income across systems, this included how we verify income, the type of income that counts for each program, how the income affects eligibility for both Medi-Cal and Covered CA and ultimately how the systems communicate. Once issues were identified we brainstormed on what we considered to be the top priority issues that could be addressed and what impact they would have on the consumer as well as the workers processing these applications/reports.

It was a very unique experience to sit with members of the state, CalHEERS, DHCS, CalSAWS, Deloitt as well as some county members from all over California, everyone was very passionate about Healthcare and about creating an overall pleasant experience for the consumer as well as the workers processing these applications. We had several great discussions and it was fantastic to be able to share my piece of the puzzle as a county worker who sees these applications everyday  and relies on CalHEERs daily.

How does this program fit in with your job?    CalHEERs which stands for California Healthcare Eligibility, Enrollment and Retention System is the system used in California to support and help determine eligibility both initial and ongoing for Medi-Cal as well as  Covered CA. As a county worker who processes Medi-Cal applications as well as refers customers to Covered CA it is something that I am very familiar with and rely on every day.

Did this event change your perspective on CalHEERs or your job? How so?   It broadened my perspective on how many different elements it takes to make a system run smoothly and efficiently and it reminded me of the weight of my job and how important it is to have up-to-date systems as well as a system that works hand in hand with policy.

How did this even make you feel about your union, SEIU Local 221?    I have always felt that our union is very important, I have been a member since I joined the county almost eight years ago, but seeing the union involved in this workshop and knowing that they made sure that county workers were included in this important event made me realize I only know a small portion of what the union does for us and it made me want to be more involved.

How was your overall experience?    My overall experience was wonderful, I did not know what to expect but I was very pleasantly surprised at how great the workshop ran and just how good it felt to be part of such an important workshop.