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A sweet County contract bargaining update - your action needed

February 14, 2022

We now have had five bargaining sessions with the County, and we are pleased to share that they have all been productive so far.

We had important conversations with the County about some critical topics, including discussing the framework of our contract. So far, the County is listening, and we know - with your participation - we are going to win a contract that achieves progress in these areas:

Our next step is for our Bargaining Team members to meet in committees with senior management to move our discussion into proposals that will lead to a strong contract!

We know that having three strong allies on the Board of Supervisors is critical, but they have competing priorities. We need to ensure our contract supports our employees and the communities we serve. Our Bargaining Team is working tirelessly at the virtual bargaining table. Here is how you can help:

  1. Sign the petition at and ask 10 co-workers to do the same. Show our strength in numbers!
  2. Join The Contract Action Team - 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15. Hear updates from bargaining and get more details about our plan to win a strong contract. Sign up now at
  3. SEIU Unity Day with tacos. We will rally at 9 a.m. Feb 26 at the County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego. Add your "strong contract goal" to your vision board and take a selfie. Stay for tacos or just drive by.
  4. Download your online meeting background for work meetings and wear purple every Thursday. Email or text pictures or video of you and your coworkers purpling up to your organizer!
  5. Follow SEIU Local 221 on social media. SEIU Local 221 President Crystal Irving gives Union video updates with opportunities to get more involved.
  6. Become a member, then sign up nonmembers - especially coworkers who started during COVID. The County checks those numbers every pay period to see if we are serious about demanding a strong contract. If our membership doesn’t grow, neither does our pressure to win a strong contract.

If you have questions, contact your organizer-representative, email or call (858) 560-0151.